act one:
Welcome to NaiVoid's Stuff!
Just checking out the paragraph tag to finish the tutorial
Right here I'm just testing the heading thing because that's what the tutorial wants me to do
I'm just making myself a wee bit of fun here :D
Fun fun fun here we come...
Test Test Test Test
Hello World!
There we go! Normal text! lmao jk this is just h7 (which doesn't work for reasons) (understandable)
act two:
here's your darnd paregraphe
phooey. this sucks. YouTube!
ah, that's fun!
ayyyy it works!
(edit; the first one doesn't work outside of tutorial D;)
hmmm... lists:
something here? no. too bad. List One!
- one
- two
- three
Cool! List Two:
- A
- B
- C